
The advantages of electric heating

The ever increasing costs of energy sources such as gas and oil and the eco-sustainable turning point that the entire planet is trying to make to defeat climate change, have forced more and more people to support cheaper and more respectful of nature domestic heating. Electric heating is therefore experiencing...

How to measure a radiator

Proper selection of radiators requires knowledge and analysis of data concerning the size, type and conditions in the room. The parameters of the installation and the device itself are also important, such as, for example, the heat output of the radiator. How important is the calculation of the radiator power...

Music in Queen’s Elizabeth life. Was it only Dancing Queen?

Music in the beginning of life chapter Elizabeth II officially became the queen on the day of the death of her father, George VI, on February 6, 1952, however her coronation took place 16 months later, on June 2, 1953, at Westminster Abbey. 8,000 people were present on that ceremony....

How to fix a leaky radiator

Are you worried about the deplorable condition of your radiators? A leaking radiator is one of the most common reasons why an installation professional is called in. However, this is not an exaggeration. It is worth remembering that the radiator from which water is poured may soon fail even more...
how to paint a radiator

How To Paint a Radiator

Are you tired of your old radiators that are already old? Has its color faded? Do you want to give them a facelift and modernize them ? No problem, it is not necessary to change them to renew your decoration. Nowadays customers can find specialist radiator paint, resistant to heat, in...

How to bleed different radiators – aluminum, plate finned and trench

How to bleed a radiator - aluminium Aluminum radiators are among the most popular because they have affordable prices. They are also available in a decorative version. Such heaters should not only be useful, but also aesthetic. Aluminum radiators are light, so they are easy to transport, move and install....


Year 1969. Martin Luther King had been murdered the year before and his "I have a dream" still echoed, as an ambition for greater equality of rights and humanity for his people. Amstrong had taken his first steps on the moon. It was a time of strikes, of student protests....

5 ways to grow in holiness for marriages

Pursuing holiness is the goal of many married couples who believe in God and want to live out that faith truly at every stage of their lives. The richness of the lives of the saints and blessed who have set the same goals in life in the past is an...

Radiator cold at the bottom

When the outside temperature drops significantly, we dream of returning to a warm apartment, even after a short walk. However, if it turns out that it is also cold there, and we will frostbite faster than we warm our hands by the radiator, we need to consider what is the reason...

Lavender tea, benefits and contraindications for the body

Lavender tea has many benefits for the body, but also contraindications. The drink can help people suffering from insomnia and relieve menstrual pain. It also provides a state of relaxation and reduces anxiety. It is not recommended for allergic people, and if consumed in large quantities it can have adverse...
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