
Music for leaving your troubles behind

Music as therapy

Music affects a person as a physical phenomenon: as a specific set of acoustic vibrations that induce physical reactions and accompanying mental reactions. That is why music can change the state of activity of the nervous system, cause specific changes in the activities of the whole organism, change muscle tension, accelerate metabolism, change the speed of blood circulation, lower the sensitivity threshold of the senses, affect the internal secretion, the strength and speed of the pulse, and can also modify breathing. 


Historical facts

Music as a healing agent was used in antiquity, for example, the school of Pythagoras. In the old days, armies went into battle with a song on their lips. Already then it was known how music affects our well-being


Some scientific facts

Music not only soothes morals. It also has a beneficial effect on our health. Scientists have been able to prove that listening to instrumental versions of hits, including artists such as Adele or Enya supports the effect of blood pressure lowering pills. Positive effects can be noticed for at least an hour after taking the drug.

It turned out that the best effect was observed among hypertensive patients who listened to music for an hour after taking the medication. The researchers found that people who listened to instrumental versions of hit songs had “more intense” effects of the blood pressure pills. On the other hand, when there was no music playing from the headphones at all and the study participants sat in silence, the heart rate did not change at all. 

Classical music activates the parasympathetic nervous system and reduces sympathetic activity. This can slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. This process can also stimulate gastrointestinal activity, which explains why hypertensive patients absorb their medications better while listening to music.


Profits for emotions

Calm music can relax, calm down. Energetic music to stimulate or activate (rhythm like a heartbeat during activity). Specific emotional experiences resulting from passive or active contact with music evoke appropriate emotional reactions in humans, which in turn are always accompanied by not only vegetative reactions, but also biochemical changes. Music therapy calms down negative emotions, foe example anger, reluctance, aggression.