Warming tea for autumn and winter. How to prepare it?

Is outside gray and gloomy? Is the temperature getting colder every day? The autumn-winter aura dictates clear conditions… How to resist bad weather and melancholy? Discover a reliable way for cold days. Winter tea – warming, delicious, aromatic! We guarantee that it will improve your bad mood and strengthen your immunity. What do you think?
The autumn-winter season is the time when we are particularly eager to choose warm, warming infusions. The clear leader is tea, whose small cup or large mug (depending on your preferences) becomes a perfect complement to frosty, rainy evenings with a movie or a book.
Tea, in addition to pleasant warmth, has a positive effect on our well-being, improves immunity, and even supports the fight against colds, flu or minor infections. It easily provides us with valuable nutrients that we need at this time of year.
The best team for autumn and winter
Autumn and winter are not only conducive to consuming more tea, but also allow you to discover new, better flavors. For those who do not want to experiment, the best and at the same time the most convenient choice will be any type of tea in the form of ready-made blends. However, if you want to prepare a warming tea yourself, you can do it in a very simple way, using the right additives. The preparation of this type of tea is associated with a certain awareness and certainty when it comes to the quality and naturalness of the ingredients used. In the autumn-winter period, we should focus mainly on black, pu-erh and oolong teas. The former perfectly accept various additives, such as dried fruit or spices. It is on the basis of black tea that each of us has at home that the best warming tea will be created.
Pu-erh tea, on the other hand, is recommended to be consumed without additives. These teas have a cleansing and antibacterial effect. We will find in them important for every human: calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, selenium, as well as vitamin C, which greatly support immunity. Oolong teas, very similarly to pu-erh, have antibacterial properties. Importantly, this type of tea supports the work of the nervous system, has an energizing effect, which is a value in itself when the day gets shorter.
What can be added to your perfect tea?
Black tea sensationally warms up even without additional ingredients. However, if you want to diversify its taste and gain new properties of the infusion, let’s focus on additives such as lemon, orange, ginger, chili, cinnamon, cloves, honey, raspberry or rose juice. All these ingredients have a lot of vitamins that support the functioning of the body, have a positive effect on immunity, and at the same time ensure the excellent taste of tea. When creating your own compositions based on black tea, take into account a few immutable laws that will significantly increase the quality of your warming drink:
Honey – you can add to tea when it cools down a bit. It should not be added to boiling water, because then it will lose its beneficial properties, as well as taste or smell. The optimal temperature of tea, and at the same time the right moment to add honey to it, is around 35-40 degrees Celsius.
Citrus juice / slices of lemon or orange – under no circumstances add them to black tea at the brewing stage. You can do this at the earliest after removing the leaves from the infusion or the bag (in the case of express tea). Why is it so important? Because under the influence of hot water and citric acid, aluminum citrate is produced, which can be very harmful to the body. So remember to add citrus to tea brewed, without leaves or sachets and cooled down.
If you are going to add citrus peels to your tea, wash them thoroughly with a mild detergent, preferably with a food brush. After such treatment, citrus fruits should be rinsed several times under warm water. If you absolutely want to use a slice of lemon or orange with the peel and skip the fruit scrubbing step, then choose products marked with the BIO sign.