52 inches in cm
Length units conversion
Ever since history of the past was collected, humans have measured distance, mass, elapsed time, area, and volume. Way of measuring got changed, values definitions as well, and currently we’ve got really good tools and we can measure things in different ways. Each of these units can be expressed in different units. Often, when we compare and analyze different data, the ability to convert units turns out to be useful. If a given quantity is expressed in kilometers (symbol km) and we want to express it in a different unit, for example in meters (symbol m) or centimeters (symbol cm), the basic relations between the units will suffice.
British imperial units
British imperial units (known as well as US customary units) includes inches, feet, yards and miles. This standard of measurement does not allow to use easy conversion formula for the Metric System values. It means that we base on conversion table that will present approximately equivalent. Only for values that are in metric system we can easily use conversion formula as when we multiple values by 10, 100, 1000 (depending if it’s cm conversion or other), we can receive corresponding value. Centimeters converter bases on a logic that is applicable to decimal fraction. By converting a larger unit to a smaller one, we multiply values by 10, 100, 1000, respectively.
Not a modern definition – foot and inch value
Base unit – feet
Former units of length such as the foot indicate their origin by name. Many other units were also derived from the dimensions of the human body. For example, inch was the width of person’s thumb. Due to the fact that different people have different foot lengths and different toe widths, in the past, in almost every locality the measures of length were different, even though the same names were used. This made trade very difficult. Therefore, various attempts were made to standardize the measures.
Base unit – inches
The story of the yard is interesting and worth mentioning. A yard is a unit of length invented by merchants for measuring linen. One yard was the length of the cloth stretched between the chin and the fingertips of an arm stretched out to the side. To standardize this unit, it was assumed in England in 1101 that a yard was the length from the tip of the nose to the index finger of King Henry I.
How to transform inches to centimeters – conversion factor to convert inches (inches to centimeters)
To check how many centimeters are in 52 inches, we should first define inches and cm (centimeters).
One inch = 2.54 cm
One cm = 0.01 meter
If we want to check how many cm are in 52 inches, our conversion factor in this case will be 2.54.
52 inches in cm = 52 x 2.54 cm = 132.08 cm
Now it’s clear how many centimeters are in 52 inches.
How many inches for the international standard unit of length
The International System of Units (abbreviation SI) is the modern form of the metric system and most popular system of measurement. This system of measurement is applied in science, technology, industry, and everyday life.
The SI comprises a coherent system of units of measurement starting with seven base units, which are the second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela.
To convert 52 inches to meters we have to multiply 52 by 0.0254. 52 inches equals 1.3208 meter.
52 inches not only to cm
52 inches to cm = 132.08 cm (132.07992868 cm)
52 inches to m = 1.3208 (1 m = 100 cm)
52 inches to km = 0.0013207992868 km (1 km = 100000 cm)
52 inches to foot = 4.3333333333 ft
52 inches to yard = 1.4444444444 yd
52 inches to mile = 0.00082070707071
Conversion formula for other units
As there are many online converters and it’s easy to how many centimeters or how many inches are hidden under certain unit of length, many people do not want to practice manual inches to centimeters conversion. Obviously we should make our life easier, however it’s good to know some simple conversions, at least to know how we define each values. When we know that basics, there will be no issue to convert 52 inches to cm, etc.